Project maintained by 3zuliHosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
ESP8266, ESP32 and IoT projects
Neopixel glasses
2019 - present
Sunglasses with an 18 by 7 matrix of WS2812-2020 addressable LEDs.
Powered by ESP32 with FreeRTOS
Microphone module with MAX9814 auto-gain pre-amplifier, sampled at 40kHz by ADC using the I2S peripheral with DMA
Real-time audio processing with FFT and beat detection. Audio processing task is pinned to the second ESP32 core.
BMI270 6-axis IMU for motion sensing (animations can react to head movements)
Modular system for LED effects. Currently there are 9 effects including spectrum analyzer, rainbow gradient, scrolling text, glitter, pulsing hearts and googly eyes (reacts to head movement)
Custom LED PCB designed in KiCad
Control unit built into a powerbank case - integrated 18650 battery holder and USB charger and it also fits into a pocket
I want to keep adding more features once events and festivals are allowed again, including a web control interface, the possibility to control the LEDs over DMX/ArtNet, and of course more LED effects and animations. I also plan to publish the code and design files on GitHub.
First test showing the LED PCB in detail
IoT CO2 and air quality sensor
2019 - present
This is a box with an MH-Z19B CO2 concentration sensor and ZH03B air particulate sensor. I use it to measure indoor air quality.
Powered by ESP8266 D1 Mini board, programmed in Arduino IDE
OLED screen shows current sensor readings
Data streamed to ThingSpeak REST API over WiFi
Hosts local web server with real-time sensor readings (websockets) and plots from ThingSpeak
IoT Pool temperature sensor
Quick and dirty temperature monitor for my pool which I made in summer 2021. Uses a waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensor and an ESP8266.
Wakes up every 5 minutes and sends data to ThingSpeak over MQTT
Uses the ESP deep sleep mode, lasts approx. 45 days on an old 18650 battery
Dashboard with temperature plots hosted on ThingSpeak
Air-tight food containers can be used as good outdoor enclosures :)
Internet connection monitor
This is an old project. An ESP8266 periodically checks if it’s connected to the internet and when not, it flashes a red warning strobe.